VinePair . 94 punti per Il Frappato 2021

V i n e P a i r . 9 4 p u n t i p e r I l F r a p p a t o 2 0 2 1

Valle dell’Acate Il Frappato 2021 | rating 94
“Valle dell’Acate lies in the southeast corner of Sicily, situated between the Iblei mountains and Mediterranean Sea in the province of Ragusa. It was Giuseppe Jacono who got things started here in the 19th century, establishing a modern winery and focusing on the native grapes, including Frappato. In the early ‘80s, Giuseppe Jacono Jr. took over operations with his daughter Gaetana, who began fostering international relationships to bring these wines to the U.S. Frappato is wonderful when chilled, and this bottle is one of the best on the market. It has a scented floral nose with berries and anise aromas. I smell Toblerone and I’m not mad at it. It has an enticing palate with a beautiful weighted yet vibrant texture, bursting with acidity. This wine!”

Katerina Monroe
Katerina Monroe

@katerinam •  More Posts by Katerina

Congratulations on the award, it's well deserved! You guys definitely know what you're doing. Looking forward to my next visit to the winery!

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