Milan style veal cutlets my North, my South

M i l a n s t y l e v e a l c u t l e t s m y N o r t h , m y S o u t h

costoletta alla milanese, il mio nord, il mio sud.jpeg

How is it possible not to think of the wine, an autumn symphony, our Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG. The freshness of Frappato and the lovely suppleness of Nero d’Avola will be a perfect marriage for this typical Milan dish, a true DOC, which meets, here, the sole DOCG of Sicily, famous for its elegance rather than sheer power. Ruby red just like the red soil of our Valle d’Acate vineyard.




Ingredients for 4 persons
4 very high quality veal cutlets (approximately 7 ounces in weight and a bit less than an inch in thickness)
2 ounce of clarified butter
2 eggs

Break the eggs into a bowl, whip them with a fork, and dip the cutlets, one by one, first into the mixture and then into the breadcrumbs, making sure that they stick well. Melt the clarified butter and place the cutlets into the pan, then cook over a medium flame for approximately 7 minutes when small bubbles will appear on the surface. At this point, turn the cutlets over (only once) and finish cooking them. Remove them from the pan, salt them, and put them in a covered dish for around 2 minutes before serving.

Katerina Monroe
Katerina Monroe

@katerinam •  More Posts by Katerina

Congratulations on the award, it's well deserved! You guys definitely know what you're doing. Looking forward to my next visit to the winery!

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