Large maccheroni (“paccheri”) with the aromas of Sicily

L a r g e m a c c h e r o n i ( p a c c h e r i ) w i t h t h e a r o m a s o f S i c i l y


The creaminess of confit tomatoes together with the savory flavor of the anchovies requires a light red wine such as  Il Frappato, aromatic, served cool, a completeness of fragrance which fuses the flavors on the palate, leaving cleanness of taste and fully bringing out the suppleness of the “paccheri”  (large maccheroni) pasta.




Ingredients for 4 persons
1.1 pounds of hard wheat “paccheri” (a large diameter maccheroni-type of noodle)
1.1 pounds of tomatoes “confit” (cooked at a low temperature to reduce them in size)
8 anchory filets packed in olive oil
4 ounces of candied orange zest
1 bunch of chives
citrus fruit zest (for decoration)
toasted breadcrumbs

61.jpgPrepare the tomatoes confit, cutting them in half, sprinkling them with oregano, olive oil, and cane sugar and cook them, together with the chives, for an hour in a 320° oven. Let them cool, then blend together the anchovy filets, the confit tomatoes, the chives, and the orange zest. It is essential to taste the blended mixture in order to find the proper balance between the anchovies and the orange zest. Cook and drain the pasta, add the blended tomato mixture, a handful of toasted breadcrumbs and some grated citrus fruit zest.




Katerina Monroe
Katerina Monroe

@katerinam •  More Posts by Katerina

Congratulations on the award, it's well deserved! You guys definitely know what you're doing. Looking forward to my next visit to the winery!

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